Did you know all of the turtles in and around Awenda are Species at Risk? Report your turtle sightings or request a nest cage to help us protect our local turtles!
The Awenda Turtle Conservation Program was started in 2022 to help recover declining turtle populations in Awenda Provincial Park and the surrounding area. Local turtles face many threats, including road mortality, habitat loss, and poaching. Due to these dangers, all 8 of Ontario’s turtles are classified as Species at Risk, 6 of which are found in Awenda and the bordering township of Tiny.
Park researchers are hard at work conducting surveys to better understand the ecology of our turtles. Key questions of interest include: What species are present? When and where are turtles nesting? What areas present hazards to turtles?
Answering these key questions will help us better target our efforts where local turtles need it. Currently, conservation efforts focus on raising awareness in the community and deploying nest cages over incubating eggs to help protect them from predators.
Found an injured turtle in Simcoe County?
Ontario Nature provides comprehensive information on how to identify each of Ontario's turtle species, as well as other reptiles and amphibians.
The Canadian Wildlife Federation has put together a video explaining how to safely move turtles across the road.
The Ontario Turtle Conservation Network has an interactive map to show turtle programs near you including rehab centres.
Turtle Guardians created this instructional video on how to properly build and install your own nest cage.
The Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program provides funding to agricultural landowners interested in completing habitat creation, enhancement and protection.