The Friends of Awenda Park

The Friends of Awenda Park

Get Involved

The Friends of Awenda Park are doing amazing things in support of Awenda Park! We hire interpreters, purchase self-guided trail panels and guides, fund unique scientific research and professional guest speakers.

Become a Member

Members of The Friends of Awenda Park make valuable contributions to Awenda park and its Discovery department in vital ways!

Members are eligible to:

  • Participate and volunteer at Friends’ organized special events
  • Vote at the Annual General Meeting
  • Occupy a position on the Board of Directors
  • Receive a tax receipt for donation amounts of $10 above and beyond their membership fees

Members have the satisfaction of knowing their membership fees help produce and purchase value-added education materials and Discovery department equipment. Both of which are critical for park research and education, and add to visitor enjoyment!


Get involved with the Friends of Awenda by volunteering to participate with any number of our park biodiversity monitoring projects, helping out with Species at Risk research, and/or assisting with a public outreach event.

Summer Employment

The Friends of Awenda hire and support a number of qualified student summer staff to assist with all aspects of Friends goals and objectives in collaboration with Awenda’s Discovery department.

Ideal Friends of Awenda summer staff enjoy the outdoors, have an appreciation for Awenda’s natural and cultural resources, and enjoy interacting with the public.

Have any questions? Contact Us